Trend Management Reports

Updated by Bethany W.

The following Trend management reports are available in XactAnalysis®, depending on your company’s settings and your rights. See M.I. (Management Information) for help with generating reports.

Management Information reports DO NOT include assignments that were reassigned or referred to different data sets. However, Activity reports include all assignments that were created in the designated data set.

Estimate Breakdown by Labour/Materials/Plant

This report displays the average estimate value, labour value, materials value, and equipment value by month for a 6–13 month period. This report can help you track seasonal trends in estimate costs.

  • Select a plot point in the graphs or a month in the table to see the data for other levels of your hierarchy, including individual estimates.

Average Estimate Value graph

This graph plots the average estimate value by month.


Average Labour Value graph

This graph plots the average value of labour by month.


Average Materials Value graph

This graph plots the average value of materials by month.

Average Equipment Value graph

This graph plots the average value of equipment by month.

Estimate Breakdown by Labour/Materials/Plant


Estimates: Number of estimates

Estimate Value: Total estimate value

Labour Value: Labour value

Materials Value: Materials value

Equipment Value: Equipment value

Avg Estimate Value: Average estimate value (Estimate Value / Estimates)

Avg Labour Value: Average labour value (Labour Value / Estimates)

Avg Materials Value: Average materials value (Materials Value / Estimates)

Avg Equipment Value: Average equipment value (Equipment Value / Estimates)


First rows: Month and year

Dataset (Safe Haven): Totals

Estimate Trending

This report displays the estimate volume, total estimate value, and average estimate value by month for a 6–13 month period. This report helps you track trends in estimate volume and value.

  • Select a plot point in the graphs or a month in the table to see data for other levels of your hierarchy, including information displayed by assessor or builder, and by estimate.

Number of Estimates graph

This graph plots the number of estimates by month.

Estimate Value graph

This graph plots the dollar value of estimates by month.


Average Estimate Value graph

This graph plots the average dollar value of estimates by month.

Estimate Trending table


Estimates: Number of estimates

Estimate Value: Total estimate value

Avg Estimate Value: Average estimate value per estimate (Estimate Value / Estimates)


First rows: Month and year

Data set (Safe Haven): Totals

Estimate Trending for Contents

This report presents contents estimate volume, total value, and average value by month for a 6–13 month period. This report helps you track seasonal trends in contents estimate volume and value.

  • Select a plot point in the graphs or a month in the table to see data for other levels of your hierarchy, including information displayed by assessor or builder, and by estimate.

Number of Estimates graph

This graph plots the number of estimates by month.


Estimate Value graph

This graph plots the estimate value by month.


Average Estimate Value graph

This graph plots the average estimate value by month.


Estimate Trending for Contents table


Estimates: Number of estimates

Estimate Value: Total estimate value

Avg Estimate Value: Average estimate value (Estimate Value / Estimates)


First rows: Month and year

Dataset (Safe Haven): Totals


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