Text Management Reports

Updated by Arianne G.

The following Text management reports are available in XactAnalysis®, depending on your company’s settings and your rights. See M.I. (Management Information) Reports for help with generating reports.

Management Information reports DO NOT include assignments that were reassigned or referred to different data sets. However, Activity reports include all assignments that were created in the designated data set.

Average Value

This report displays the number of estimates in each region / office level, their value, and their average value. This information helps you see geographic/organisational trends in estimate value.

  • Select a geographic/organisational area link to see data for other levels of your hierarchy, including individual estimates.


Region / Office Level: Geographic/organizational area

Total Estimates: Number of estimates

Average Estimate Value: Average value per estimate (Total Estimate Value / Total Estimates)

Total Estimate Value: Total estimate value

% of Total Estimates: Percentage of total estimates

% of Total Estimate Value: Percentage of total estimate value

Assessor/Builder Utilisation

This report displays contents and structural estimate information by assessor or builder.

  • Select a geographic/organisational area link to see data for other levels of your hierarchy, including individual estimates.


Region / Office Level: Geographic/organisational area

Total Estimates: Number of estimates

Average Estimate Value: Average value per estimate (Total Estimate Value / Total Estimates)

Total Estimate Value: Total value of estimates

% of Total Estimates: Percentage of total estimates

% of Total Estimate Value: Percentage of total estimate value


Contents: Contents items in Xactimate®

Structural: Structural items in Xactimate

Estimate Audit Results

This report displays the audit results derived from estimate audits/inspections, helping you see the effectiveness of audits/inspections. 

  • Select a geographic/organisational area link to see data for other levels of your hierarchy, including individual estimates.


Region / Office Level: Geographic/organisational area

Total Estimates: Number of estimates

Estimates w/Inspection Audit: Number of estimates with audits/inspections performed

Estimates w/Inspection Findings: Number of estimates with errors found during audits/inspections

% of Estimates w/Inspection Findings: Percentage of estimates with errors found during audits/inspections

Estimates w/Inspection Results: Number of estimates with corrections made

% of Estimates w/Inspection Results: Percentage of estimates with errors found and corrections made

Total Estimate Value: Total estimate value

Total Value of Estimates w/Results: Total value of original estimates with errors found and corrections made

Total Audit Results: Total value of line items with errors found and corrections made

Average Audit Results: Average value per estimate of line items with errors found and corrections made (Total Audit Results / Estimates w/Inspection Results)

Estimate Breakdown by Department

This report displays the percentage each contents department (Appliances, Cabinetry, etc.) contributes to the total estimate value, helping you see which contents items are most and least used.

  • Select a geographic/organisational area link to see data for other levels of your hierarchy, including individual estimates.


Region / Office Level: Geographic/organisational area

Department: Contents department used for each line item

Total Estimates: Number of estimates

Total Department Value: Value of the estimate line items

% of Total Department Value: Percentage of total department value

Estimate Breakdown by Trade

This report displays each trade’s percentage of estimates’ total trade value (excluding O&P and tax). This helps you evaluate trade usage and value in your hierarchy.

  • Select a geographic/organisational area link to see data for other levels of your hierarchy, including individual estimates.


Region / Office Level: Geographic/organisational area

Trade: Trade

Total Estimates: Number of estimates

Total Trade Value: Total value of line items

% of Total Trade Value: Percentage of total trade value


In reports dealing with trades, the trade names are abbreviated. The following is a list of abbreviated trade names and their meanings (taken from the Labour Component SmartList in Xactimate):

CARP-FNC: Carpenter—Finish, Trim/Cabinet

CARP-FRM: Carpenter—General Framer

CARP-MECH: Carpenter—Mechanic

CLN: Cleaning Technician

CLN-F: Floor Cleaning Technician

CLN-R: Cleaning Remediation Technician

CLN-S: Cleaning – Supervisory/Administrative

CNC: Concrete Mason

DMO: Demolition Labourer

DRY: Drywall Installer/Finisher

ELE: Electrician

EQU: Equipment Operator

FEN: Fencing Installer

FLR: Flooring Installer

FLR-W: Wood Flooring Installer

HDW: Hardware Installer

HMRT: Hazardous Materials Remediation Technician

HVC: Heating / A.C. Mechanic

INS: Insulation Installer

LBR: General Labourer

MAS: Mason Brick/Stone

OHD: Overhead Door Installer

ORI: Ornamental Iron Installer

PLA: Plasterer

PLM: Plumber

PNT: Painter

RFG: Roofer

RFG-M: Membrane Roofing Installer

SDG: Siding Installer

STL: Steel Worker

STU: Stucco Installer

SUPERC: Commercial Superintendent

SUPERR: Residential Superintendent

SUB: Non Labour item

TIL: Tile/Cultured Marble Installer

TRT: Trauma/Crime Scene Cleaning Technician

WPR: Wallpaper Hanger

Estimates with Sketches and Photos

This report displays the number and percentage of estimates that have been uploaded with or without sketches and with or without photos. This helps you monitor which assessors or builders are uploading photos and sketches.

  • Select a geographic/organisational area link to see data for other levels of your hierarchy, including individual estimates.


Region / Office Level: Geographic/organisational area

Total Estimates: Number of estimates

Estimates with Sketches: Number of estimates uploaded with a sketch

Estimates without Sketches: Number of estimates uploaded without a sketch

% Estimates with Sketches: Percentage of estimates uploaded with a sketch

% Estimates without Sketches: Percentage of estimates uploaded without a sketch

Estimates with Aerial Sketches: Number of estimates uploaded with aerial sketches

Estimates without Aerial Sketches: Number estimates uploaded without aerial sketches

% Estimates with Aerial Sketches: Percentage of estimates uploaded with aerial sketches

% Estimates without Aerial Sketches: Percentage of estimates uploaded without aerial sketches

Estimates with Photos: Number of estimates uploaded with a photo

Estimates without Photos: Number of estimates uploaded without a photo

% Estimates with Photos: Percentage of estimates uploaded with a photo

% Estimates without Photos: Percentage of estimates uploaded without a photo

Frequently Used Items

This report displays the price list items used in a given set of estimates, sorted from most frequently used to least frequently used. 

  • Select a category code to see data for other levels of your hierarchy, including individual estimates.


Category Code: Code for categorising a line item

Selector Code: Code for selecting a line item

Description: Line item description

Item Count: Number of times line item was used

Estimates: Number of estimates

Total Item Value: Total line item value

Total Estimates Value: Total estimate value

Avg Item $ Value per Estimate: Average line item value per estimate (Total Item Value / Estimates)

Avg Estimate Value: Average estimate value (Total Estimates Value / Estimates)

Total ACV: Total actual cash value (RCV - Depreciation)

Total Net Value: Total Net Value

Initial Response Time

This report displays the original assessor or builder’s (the person who first returned the estimate) response times for each step of the estimate process. It shows returned estimate data only. The “start” time for the response time calculations is the Assignment Received date. This report helps you monitor assessor and builder activity, specifically their timeliness in progressing assignments.

If assessors and builders do not enter a time for the Date Contacted and Date Inspected fields in Xactimate, 12:00 AM is entered automatically. When this occurs, and the contacted or inspected date is the same as the Assignment Received date, a response time of 6 hours is assumed, and this data is included in the report. For example, if the Assignment Received date is 9:00 AM then the assumed Contacted or Inspected time is 3:00 PM. For the most accurate reports, assessors and builders should always enter the time as well as the date in the Date Contacted and Date Inspected fields in Xactimate.
  • Select a geographic/organisational area link to see data for other levels of your hierarchy, including individual estimates.


Region / Office Level: Geographic/organisational area

Total Estimates: Number of estimates

Avg Days until Contacted: Average number of days for the status to change from Assignment Received (the date the assignment was first received into the Assignment Queue or first assigned to an assessor and builder) to Customer Contacted (recipient made first contact with insured)

Avg Days until Inspected: Average number of days for the status to change from Assignment Received (the date the assignment was first received into the Assignment Queue or first assigned to an assessor and builder) to Site Inspected (site inspected by assignment recipient)

Avg Days from Contacted to Inspected: Average number of days for the status to change from Customer Contacted (recipient made first contact with the insured) to Site Inspected (site inspected by assignment recipient)

Avg Days until Returned: Average number of days for the status to change from Assignment Received (the date the assignment was first received into the Assignment Queue or first assigned to an assessor and builder) to Returned (estimate returned to XactAnalysis from assignee)

Avg Days from Inspected to Returned: Average number of days for the status to change from Site Inspected (site inspected by assignment recipient) to Returned (estimate returned to XactAnalysis from assignee)

Items Changed by Assessor/Builder

This report displays changed line item data, including the number of line items changed and the dollar amount of estimate deviation as a result of changed items. This report helps you monitor changed line item activity by assessor and builder.

  • Select an assessor and builder to see data for individual line items.


Assessor/Builder: Assessor or builder name

Estimates w/ Changed Items: Number of estimates with changed items

Total Estimates: Number of total estimates

% Estimates w/ Changed Items: Percentage of estimates with changed items

Total Line Items: Number of line items in all estimates

Line Items Changed: Number of line items changed (not including instances when the quantity of a line item is changed)

Estimate Value: Total estimate value (after items are changed)

Price List Value: Total price list item value (before items are changed)

Total Estimate Deviation*: Difference of total estimate value and total price list item value (Estimate Value – Price List Value)

Average Estimate Deviation: Average deviation per estimate with deviation (Total Estimate Deviation / Estimates w/ Changed Items)

Percent Deviation: Percentage of estimate deviation from price list value

Percent Over: Percentage of estimate deviation over price list value

Percent Under: Percentage of estimate deviation under price list value

Loss Value Range

This report displays estimate information by loss type and value range, helping you see trends in loss type costs.

  • Select a loss type to see the information by value range. Then select a geographic/organisational area link to see data for other levels of your hierarchy, including individual estimates.


Loss Type: Loss type

Average Estimate Value: Average estimate value (Total Estimate Value / Total Estimates)

Total Estimates: Number of estimates

Total Estimate Value: Total estimate value

% of Total Estimates: Percentage of total estimates

% of Total Estimate Value: Percentage of total estimate value

Loss Value Range report

Loss Value Range report level 2

Miscellaneous Items

This report compares the number and cost of miscellaneous items (items that were not defined in the price list) with the number and cost of total items by structural category and contents assignments. Miscellaneous items may include user-defined items, items entered with the MISC Selector Code, and others.

Select a trade category to see data for levels of your hierarchy, including individual estimates.


Structural/Contents Assignments: Trade categories separated by structural and contents assignments

Misc Items: Number of miscellaneous line items used

Total Items: Total number of line items used

% Misc Items: Percentage of miscellaneous line items out of total line items

Misc Items Values: Total value of miscellaneous line items

Total Items Value: Total value of line items

% Misc Items Value: Percentage of miscellaneous line item value out of total line item value

Price Deviations

This report displays information about estimates where prices deviated from the price list prices. For example, a price obtained from a local source could differ from a price list price. This report helps you determine which assessor or builder are changing prices and the extent of the price changes.

  • Select a geographic/organisational area link to see data for other levels of your hierarchy, including individual estimates.


Region / Office Level: Geographic/organisational area

Total Estimates: Number of estimates

Estimates w/Price Deviation: Number of estimates with price deviation (line item price changed from price list price)

Total Line Items: Number of line items

Line Items w/Price Deviation: Number of line items with price deviation

Estimate Value: Estimate value

Price List Value: Total estimate value of estimates using the check point price list for each line item (Estimate Value - Total Estimate Deviation)

Total Estimate Deviation: Difference between the estimate value and the price list value (Estimate Value - Price List Value)

Average Estimate Deviation: Average dollar amount of deviations per estimate (Total Estimate Deviation / Estimates w/Price Deviation)

Estimate Deviation %: Percentage of total estimate deviation from estimate value

Price List Deviation %: Percentage of total estimate deviation from price list value

Response Time

This report displays the last assigned assessor or builder’s response times for each step of the estimate process. The “start” time for the response time calculations is the Assignment Received date. This report helps you monitor assessor and builder activity, specifically their timeliness in progressing assignments.

If assessors and builders do not enter a time for the Date Contacted and Date Inspected fields in Xactimate, 12:00 AM is entered automatically. When this occurs, and the contacted or inspected date is the same as the Assignment Received date, a response time of 6 hours is assumed, and this data is included in the report. For example, if the Assignment Received date is 9:00 AM then the assumed Contacted or Inspected time is 3:00 PM. For the most accurate reports, assessors and builders should always enter the time as well as the date in the Date Contacted and Date Inspected fields in Xactimate.
  • Select a geographic/organisational area link to see data for other levels of your hierarchy, including individual estimates.


Region / Office Level: Geographic/organisational area

Total Estimates: Number of estimates

Avg Days until Contacted: Average number of days from status Assignment Received (the date the assignment was first received into the Assignment Queue or first assigned to an assessor and builder) to Customer Contacted (recipient made first contact with insured)

Avg Days until Inspected: Average number of days from status Assignment Received (the date the assignment was first received into the Assignment Queue or first assigned to an assessor and builder) to Site Inspected (site inspected by assignment recipient)

Avg Days from Contacted to Inspected: Average number of days from status Customer Contacted (recipient made first contact with the insured) to Site Inspected (site inspected by assignment recipient)

Avg Days until Returned: Average number of days from status Assignment Received (the date the assignment was first received into the Assignment Queue or first assigned to an assessor and builder) to Returned (estimate returned to XactAnalysis from assignee)

Avg Days from Inspected to Returned: Average number of days from status Site Inspected (site inspected by assignment recipient) to Returned (estimate returned to XactAnalysis from assignee)


This report displays supplement estimate information, including the number of supplements and their value. A supplement is created when an estimate has been closed but is then reopened so changes can be made.

  • Select a geographic/organisational area link to see data for other levels of your hierarchy, including individual estimates.


Region / Office Level: Geographic/organisational area

Total Estimates: Number of total estimates

Total Supplements: Number of supplements

Supplement Percentage of Estimates: Percentage of supplements out of total estimates

Total Supplement Value: Total supplement value

Avg Supplement Amount: Average supplement value

Loss Type

This report displays estimate information by loss type, helping you see trends in loss type costs.

  • Select a loss type to see data for your hierarchy levels, including individual estimates.


Loss Type: Loss Type category (Collapse, Earthquake, etc.)

Loss Cause: Loss Cause category (Loss Cause categories for a Fire loss type could include Candle, Cooking, Defective Appliance, etc.)

Total Estimates: Number of estimates

Average Estimate Value: Average estimate value (Total Estimate Value / Total Estimates)

Total Estimate Value: Total estimate value

% of Total Estimates: Percentage of total estimates

% of Total Estimate Value: Percentage of total estimate value

Value Range

This report displays estimate information by value range and region / office level, helping you track estimates by value range.

  • Select a geographic/organisational area link to see data for other levels of your hierarchy, including individual estimates.


Region / Office Level: Geographic/organisational area

Value Range:

  • $0–$499
  • $500–$1,999
  • $2,000–$4,999
  • $5,000–$9,999
  • $10,000–$24,999
  • $25,000–$49,999
  • $50,000–$99,999
  • Greater than $99,999

Average Estimate Value: Average estimate value (Total Estimate Value / Total Estimates)

Total Estimates: Number of estimates

Total Estimate Value: Estimate total value

% of Total Estimates: Percentage of total estimates

% of Total Estimate Value: Percentage of total estimate value


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