XactXpert Line Item Summary Differences worksheet

Updated by Arianne G.

The XactXpert Line Item Summary Differences worksheet is at the line item summary level. XactXpert is a tool in Xactimate online that tracks errors in an estimate, such as missing information and other unmet requirements, and displays alerts to inform the user.

All search columns fall under two categories: attributes or measures.

Some chart types require a specific number of attributes and measures.


Attributes are date or text values, such as names, addresses, and phone numbers; they’re highlighted in blue in the search field. Attributes usually appear on the x-axis of your charts. Below are the attributes that the XactXpert Line Item Summary Differences worksheet includes.

The activity performed for a line item (replace, remove and replace, etc.).
The name of the adjuster or contractor that the assignment is assigned to.
Assignee company name
The company that the assignee works for.
Assignee email
The email address of the assignee.
Assignment status
Statuses mark an assignment’s progress in the claim process. Because workflows can vary from company to company and from team to team, the statuses in XactAnalysis are highly customizable. For more information, see our Statuses help article.
Business unit
Some companies use a feature in XactAnalysis that allows them to create business units. For example, a company may create separate units for their commercial and residential business.
This identifies whether an assignment has a catastrophe code or not; the column displays Y or N.
Category code
The code used to divide price list items into usable categories; most category codes are 3 letter abbreviations (i.e. PNT for Painting, RFG for Roofing, and DRY for Drywall).
Cause of loss
The thing or event that caused the type of loss to occur; similar to the type of loss, but more specific. If the type of loss is FIRE, the Cause of Loss could be Candle, Cooking, or Defective Appliance.
Claim number
The identification number for the claim. This is entered or imported when the assignment is created.
Claim rep name
The name of the person who manages the claim for the carrier.
Coverage type
Coverage refers to the situations, property types, types of loss, and other agreed upon stipulations in the insurance policy. There are several common types of coverage including (but not limited to) Contents, Structural, Other Structures.
Data set
Companies use data sets to separate their assignments into groups (departments or specializations).
Desk Adjuster
The name of the desk adjuster; a desk adjuster estimates and settles simple claims such as theft, vandalism, or minor fire and water damage over the phone, allowing field adjusters to focus on larger, more complex claims. They may also coordinate the multiple assignments on a claim with contractors, independent adjusters, or other industry professionals.
Estimate price list
This column displays the name of the estimate price list that’s applied to the estimate when it’s created. Price lists are compiled by Xactware and consist of general quote items, contents cleaning items, and sales tax jurisdictions.
Estimated onsite
This indicates whether or not the estimate was performed onsite.
Final received date
The date of the last Xactanalysis assignment for the whole assignment chain.
First estimator
This shows the first estimator for the estimate.
First XactXpert Review Initiator
This shows the first review initiator for the estimate.
Industry type
The type of industry.
Initial completion line item count
The number of line items when an estimate is first marked as complete.
Initial XactXpert review line item count
The number of line items when an estimate is first reviewed.
Item unit
The unit of the item.
Line item description
The description of a line item, such as "vanity" or "range hood."
Loss date
The date the damage occurred to the property.
Organization hierarchy level (1 – 7)
XactAnalysis accommodates seven different command levels, often the top-level equivalent to a corporate management and a bottom-level equivalent to individual claim reps or adjusters. These hierarchies will vary depending on your organization and your workflow. They are not used by all Xactware customers.
Original Received Date
The first date an assignment was received for the whole assignment chain.
Policy Number
The policyholder's policy number.
Policy type
The type of insurance policy (homeowner, commercial, etc.); policies can have multiple coverages.
Proxy Desk Adjuster
The name of the proxy desk adjuster.
QA approval status
This indicates whether an assignment was approved by Quality Assurance (Not Yet Approved, QA Approved, QA Rejected). See Approval statuses for more information.
Received date
The date the assignment was created in XactAnalysis. If an assignment is never created in XactAnalysis, this column will display a null value.
Returned Date
The date that an estimate is first returned to XactAnalysis.
Roof Damage Type
The type of damage that occurred to a roof.
Selector code
When combined with a category code, the selector code identifies an individual price list item.
Type of loss
The category of loss (Collapse, Earthquake, Fire, etc.).
XactAnalysis ID
The user ID in XactAnalysis, which is unique from all other XactAnalysis users. XactAnalysis user IDs are assigned to a user by an administrator when they are first added to XactAnalysis.
Zero Dollar XactXpert Review
This indicates if a zero-dollar XactXpert review was initiated.


Measures are numeric values, such as age or monetary amounts; they’re highlighted in green in the search field. Measures usually appear on the y-axis of your charts. Below are the measures that the XactXpert Line Item Summary Differences worksheet includes.

ACV Differences
The change of the ACV between the XactXpert review and the completion of the estimate.
Assignment Count
Total number of assignments.
First Completed ACV
The total estimate ACV amount at the first XactXpert completion.
First Completed RCV
The total estimate RCV amount at the first XactXpert completion.
Initial to First Completed Line Item Changes ACV
The total line item ACV dollar change from the Initial XactXpert review to first XactXpert completion.
Initial to First Completed Line Item Changes RCV
The total estimate RCV dollar change from the Initial XactXpert review to first XactXpert completion.
Initial XactXpert Review ACV
The total estimate ACV amount at the initial XactXpert review.
Initial XactXpert Review RCV
The total estimate RCV amount at the initial XactXpert review.
Item Price
The price of a line item; Xactware uses material (MAT), equipment (EQU), and labor (LAB) components to calculate the cost of an item. For more information, see our Pricing Methodology white paper.
RCV Differences
The change of the RCV between the XactXpert review and the completion of the estimate.
Summary Item Cost Differences
The total difference in cost of the line items between the XactXpert review and the completion of the estimate.
Summary Item Count Differences
The difference in the number of line items between the XactXpert review and the completion of the estimate.
Summary Item Quantity Differences
The total difference in the quantity of the line items between the XactXpert review and the completion of the estimate.

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