Search Filters

Updated by Jill Bowers

Insurer Group

This filter allows you to select one or more insurers. Search only displays assignments from the selected insurers.


Click the date filter in the ribbon to select an assignment status and a custom or preset date range. This filters the list by assignments that had that status within that date range. You can click Add Date Filter to add additional statuses with their own date ranges.

Queue Type

This filter allows you to only view assignments in a specified queue. When you select a queue from the menu, all other filters are cleared, and pre-defined set of filters are applied that causes Search to function exactly like the selected queue. 

Claim Reference

Search for assignments based on their claim number reference. Click the menu to open a dialog box where you can enter up to 500 comma-separated claim numbers.

Address Status

This filter allows you to search for assignments with or without an invalid address.


You can choose to filter out either assignments that have an appointment or assignments that need an appointment.

Approval Status

You can search for assignments with several approval statuses, for example, QA Approved, QA Not Yet Approved, QA Rejected, Client Approved, Client Not Approved, Client Rejected.

Assigned From Assignment Queue

You can use this filter to see assignments that were assigned from the Assignment Queue.


Search for assignments by the name of the assignee.

Assignment Type

This filter allows you to find assignments based on their assignment type.

Attention Needed

This event is used to notify you when an assignment needs urgent attention and its status is updated to Attention Needed. Depending on your company's preferences, an assignment may be marked as needing attention for a number of specific reasons.

Audit Results

Statuses by which an assignment’s audit standing is tracked. You can search for estimates with or without audit findings.

Business Unit

You can search for assignments by business unit in a particular data set. The options under Business Unit change depending upon the selected data set.

Carrier Attribute 1  

You can customise this filter to fit your organisation's needs. This filter is customised through the use of preferences. See your account manager to customise this filter.

CAT Code

Enter the catastrophe code to search for assignments with a specific catastrophe code. Separate multiple entries with commas.


This filter allows you to find assignments based on the city where they are located.

Claim Handlers Code

A claim handler code is assigned to every claim in Xactimate®. Enter the claim handler code to search for assignments with a specific claim handler .

Claim Handlers Status

Search on whether an assignment has a Claim Handler assigned or not.

Client Number

Search on client number. Separate multiple entries with commas.

Client Approval Status

This filter allows you to find assignments based on their current Client Approved status.

Collaboration Status

Collaboration occurs when an adjuster or contractor who is not the assignee performs work on an estimate without changing the ownership (assignee) of the estimate. This menu allows you to search for assignments based on their collaboration standing, for example, Never Collaborated or Collaboration in Progress. These statuses are automatically updated by XactAnalysis. Select a collaboration status to search for assignments currently at that status.


Only view assignments within specified insurers.

Denial Status

You can filter on one or more Denial status including All, Covered Loss, Partial Denial, Denied, and Non-Denial Letter.

Delay Status

This filter allows you to find assignments with or without delay statuses.

Desk Adjuster

An individual assigned to an assignment to monitor its progress. Assignments may or may not be assigned a desk adjuster. Enter the desk adjuster’s name to search for assignments assigned to a specific desk adjuster.

Desk Adjuster Status

Search on whether an assignment has a desk adjuster assigned or not. Separate multiple entries with commas.

Enterprise ID

Search on a specific ID assigned by the contractor company. Separate multiple entries with commas.

Estimate Reviewer

This filter allows you to search for estimates by the name of the reviewer assigned to them. You can enter multiple names, but they must be separated by commas. If you select the Assigned and Unassigned tickboxes, you can filter the Search Results by assignments that are assigned or unassigned. If both tickboxes are selected, both assigned and unassigned assignments appear in the results.

Estimate Review Queue Rule

This filter allows you to select one or more Estimate Review Queue rules in your account. Search only displays estimates that were sent to the Estimate Review Queue by these rules.

Estimate Value

This filter allows you to search for estimates that fall within a specified minimum and maximum estimate value.

File # (or Branch - File #)

Search for assignments by their associated file number.

File Status

XactAnalysis classifies assignments as File Open, File Closed, or File Reopened. A file might be reopened if something needs to be added to the assignment after its initial completion. Select a file status to search for assignments currently at that status. Separate multiple entries with commas.

Has Audit Findings

Select to include assignments containing audit findings in the search.

Hide Canceled Assignments

Select to hide canceled appointments.

Include Test Assignments

Select to include test assignments in the search.

Independent Adjuster Review Status

Search for estimates that have a particular independent adjuster review status. Searchable statuses include Not Yet Reviewed, Reviewer Assigned, Review Accepted, Initial Review, Initial Review with Exceptions, Initial Review Without Exceptions, Reviewed, Reviewed With Exceptions, and Reviewed Without Exceptions.

Job Type

An assignment can be assigned one of several job types, as customised by your company. Common job types include emergency, general, and mitigation. Select a job type to search for assignments with that job type.

Work Not Proceeding Reason

This filter allows you to find assignments based on their Work Not Proceeding reasons.

Office Levels

Select an office level and choose a region in which to search.

Org Levels

Select an organisation level in which to search.

Payment Status

Statuses by which an assignment’s billing process is tracked, for example, Paid, Processor Assigned, or Unprocessed. These statuses are automatically updated by XactAnalysis. Select a status to search for assignments currently at that status.

Policy #

Search for assignments by the policy number.

Policy Holder

Search for assignments by the name of the policyholder.

Policy Type

The policy type as defined in the policy, for example, Domestic or Commercial. Select a policy type to search for assignments with that policy type.

Project Manager

Enter the first and last name of the project manager. This filter does not match the user ID.

This filter works like the Quick Search field at the top of every page. It allows you to enter a series of comma-separated key words and compares them to claim numbers references, insured names, adjuster names, postcodes, and policy numbers.

QA Approval Status

This filter allows you to find assignments based on their current QA Approved status.

Reassignment Status

Assignments are sometimes reassigned to a different adjuster or data set. Use this menu to search for assignments that have or have not been reassigned.

Reinspection Status

This filter allows you to find assignments based on their current reinspection status. 

Referral Status

Some adjusters and contractors refer a portion of the assignment to another adjuster or contractor with a specialised skill, such as a contents specialist or roofing specialist. You can search for assignments with two possible referral statuses: Referred and Created by Referral.

Returned Estimate Contains (Coverage Types)

Returned estimates can contain up to four possible categories of line items: Structural Items, Other Structures, Contents Items, and No Items. Structural Items are items comprising the structure of the main building, such as flooring or masonry products. Other Structures refers to estimates with items comprising the structure of a secondary building. Contents Items are independent of the property’s structure and can include items like appliances and furniture. No Items refers to estimates in which items are not tied to a coverage. Select a coverage type to search for assignments with that coverage type.

Reviewed Automatically

This filter allows you to find estimates that were automatically marked as REviewed due to a program rule. 

Review Status

Estimates that trigger a queue rule are reviewed. You can search for these estimates by a number of statuses that indicate the progress of the review, for example, Not Yet Reviewed, Reviewer Assigned, Review Accepted, Initial Review, Initial Review With Exceptions, Initial Review Without Exceptions, Reviewed, Reviewed with Exceptions, or Reviewed Without Exceptions.

Roof Damage

This filter allows you to filter roof damage claims by Partial Repair/Replacement, Total Replacement, None, or Both.

Show Only My Assignments

Search for assignments assigned to me.


An assignment can be assigned one of several types of peril. A peril is a general incident, like Theft or Fire, which necessitates a claim. Select a peril to search for assignments with that peril.

Unique ID

Search for assignments by Unique ID.

Workflow Status

Statuses by which an assignment’s progress is tracked, for example, Customer Contacted, Job Completed, or Client Billed. These statuses are updated by the assigned adjuster or contractor. Select a status to search for assignments currently at that status.

XactAnalysis Status

Statuses by which an assignment’s progress is tracked, for example, Delivered, Returned, or Cancelled. These statuses are automatically updated by XactAnalysis. Select a status to search for assignments currently at that status.

XactNet Address

Search for assignments by XactNet Address. Separate multiple entries with semicolons.


Search for assignments within a particular postcode.

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