Recipient Branch Admin

Recipient Branch Admin allows you to select an office branch in each of your data sets to act as a default recipient for assignments. When assignments with the specified data set are sent to the Assignment Queue, they are automatically re-routed to the specified recipient branch. You can also select to have assignments re-rounted to the recipient branch even if they're assigned to an adjuster or contractor upon creation.

You must have the Recipient Branch Administrator application right to access this page.
The Recipient Branch Admin page
  1. Select a data set from the Data Set menu.
  2. Click the Office Level field.
  3. In the dialogue box that appears, click the sub-levels of your company's hierarchy until you reach an office on the lowest level.
  4. Click Select [Office Branch Name].
  5. If you want to assign assignments to the recipient office even if an adjuster or contractor is selected when it's created, select the Apply at adjuster assignment check box. 
  6. Click Save. The recipient branch information appears in the Current Recipient Branches table.

To delete a recipient branch for a data set, click the trash can button next to it.

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