Queue Admin

Updated by Arianne G.

The Queue Admin page allows you to add, edit, and delete rules for Estimate Review Queue and Payment Queue.

The screen shots in this document are generic, and your company’s interface may vary.

Access Queue Admin

There are two ways to access the Admin Queue:

  • Select Queue Admin from the Administration menu.
  • From Search (Beta), click the Queue Rules button in the top right corner.

Filter rules

The Filters section allows you to select which types of rules are displayed, export the list to Excel, and change how the list is displayed.

Queue Type

Filter the rules in the list by a selected queue.


Filter the rules in the list by a specific adjuster/contractor.

XactNet Address

Filter the rules in the list by a specific XactNet Address.

Only Rules I Created

When this check box is selected, the list only displays rules that you created.


You can click either of the two icons in the right corner of the section to change the way the list is displayed (see image above).

  • Table view displays each rule as a row in a table.
  • Card view displays each rule as an individual card.
Export to Excel

Click this button to export all of the rules displayed in the list to an Excel spreadsheet.

Existing Queue Rules

After they’re created, rules appear as cards beneath the filters. Each card displays basic information about the rule, what triggers the rule, and what actions occur when the rule is triggered. At the bottom of each card is a linked number under Current # Sent to Queue. Clicking the number opens a new browser tab that displays the claims caught by the rule in Search.

The Current # Sent to Queue number may differ from the results displayed in Search. This can be due to estimates being removed from the queue or estimates being over 4 years old.

Add a rule

  1. Click Add New Rule. The Add Queue Rule dialogue box appears.
  2. Select which queue the rule applies to from the Queue Type menu.
  3. Select the criteria for your rule and click OK. The fields and menus may differ based on your selections. For more information about the fields and menus in this dialogue box, see Add Queue Rule fields and menus.

Add Queue Rule fields and menus

Some of the fields and menus are only available in certain queues.

Data Set

Select one or more data sets to allow estimates from those data sets to enter the queue.

If you select more than one data set, some filters may become unavailable due to the unique filter settings of each selected data set.
Rule Name / Description

Enter the name or description of your rule.

Rule Priority

Select a priority for your rule: None, 1 (First Group Processed), or 2 (Second Group Processed). The rules filter estimates based on priority. XactAnalysis will filter all the estimates with the first priority rule, and then filter the remaining estimates with the second priority rule.

Use Reviewer Rotation for This Rule

This check box only appears for Estimate Review Queue rules when Reviewer Rotation is enabled. When the check box is selected and an estimate triggers the rule, it is automatically assigned to the next reviewer in the rotation.


All of the selected conditions in this section must be met to send an assignment to the queue.

Apply this rule to

Select to apply the rule to future or existing estimates

With an XactAnalysis status of

Select a status or leave it as (All). See Statuses for status definitions. If you select Cancelled or Client Approved, you can also filter by how that status is set (Automatically, Manually, or Either).

Hierarchy Type

Select a hierarchy type: Geographic, Organisational, Individual or Custom Group.


Select an area for the rule. Leave it as (All) to allow assignments from all data set (program) areas into the review queue.

Desk Adjuster

Select a desk adjuster. Leave this field blank to allow estimates with any desk adjuster into the queue.

For this Business Unit

Select a business unit from the menu. Select (All) to allow estimates with any business unit into the review queue.

For this CAT Code

Enter a CAT Code into the auto-complete field and select from the list. To enter more than one CAT Code, separate them by commas. Leave this field blank to allow estimates with any CAT code into the review queue.

For this Claim Reference

Enter a claim reference. Leave this field blank to allow any claim reference into the review queue.

For these Countries/Regions

Select one or more countries/regions from the menu. Leave this field blank to allow estimates from any country/region to enter the queue.

For this Policy Type

Select a policy type from the menu. Select (All) to allow estimates with any policy type to enter the queue.

For this Coverage Type

Select a coverage type from the menu. Select (All) to allow estimates with any coverage type to enter the queue.

For this Peril

Select one or more perils from the menu. Select (All) to allow estimates with any peril into the review queue.

For this Postal Code

Enter one or more postal codes (separated by commas). Leave this field blank to allow all estimates from all postal codes into the review queue.

For date range between

Select a date range or select MonthlyQuarterly, or Annually from the menu.  The rule will be applied to estimates within the specified range only or it will be applied monthly, quarterly, or annually. Leave these fields blank if you do not wish to apply a date range to the rule.

1 of every (randomly)

Enter a number to set up random reviews for one of every [number] estimates.

Number of estimates

Enter a number of estimates to send to the review queue. Select the per adjuster/contractor check box, to send a specific number of estimates based on the number of adjusters and contractors you have set up to review assignments.

For estimate value between

Enter a value range.

Estimate Correction Percent

Enter a percentage that the estimate correction must exceed to enter the review queue.

Compared to referral estimate

Select this check box to create a rule that catches referral estimates with values that differ from their original estimate values by the percent or value amount entered in the fields above the check box.

Correction Value

Enter an amount the estimate correction must exceed to enter the review queue.

Job Type

Select a job type.

Overhead & Profit

Select whether to include estimates with O&P or No O&P. Select No Selection for neither.

Estimate Contains

Select whether or not to include O&P as part of your rule.

Number of trades are

Select whether or not to include estimates greater than or less than a certain number of trades, or select No Selection for neither. Enter the greater than or less than number in the provided field.

Selected trades

Click the SmartList icon in this field to select which trades are included in this rule.

Contains pricelist category

Select a pricelist category from the menu. 

Activity Diary Report Uploads

Select the check box to exclude activity diary report uploads.

Third Party Collaborations

Select the check box to exclude third-party collaborations.

Test Assignments

Select the check box to include test assignments. Leave unchecked to exclude test assignments.


Only one of the selected conditions in this section must be met to send an estimate to the queue. This section appears when you select Apply this rule to only future estimates in the All Required section.

Audit Violations

Select Any to send estimates with any audit results into the review queue. Select Specific and one or more audit results from the list that appears.

When you select any of the Audit Violation check boxes, the Audit action for each item in the Contains Line Item feature (in the Line Items section) is disabled.
Audit Violation Count

Enter a number. All estimates with that number of violations are sent to the review queue. Select the Greater than check box to send estimates with violations totaling more than the entered number to the review queue.

Category - Selector Codes within Estimate Include

Select the check boxes to include estimates with specific selector codes in the review queue.

Line Item Quality

Select the check boxes to include estimates with specific line item qualities in the review queue.

Price List

Select the Deviations check box to send estimates with price list deviations into the review queue. For Price Only Deviations, you can choose to identify estimates by the number of items with deviations or by the deviation amount.

Pricing Variations

Select the check box to send estimates with pricing variations into the review queue.

Item Rate Association

Select the check box to select if the rule is triggered on the Household or Contractor rate.


This section allows you to create queue rules based on the line items included in estimates.

  • Use the All Required feature to identify estimates with all the line items you enter here.
  • Use the One Required feature to identify estimates with at least one of the line items you enter here.

You do not need to enter information into each menu and box. For example, you could use only the Category menu, sending estimates to the queue that have line items from a specific category.

  1. Select a Country.
  2. Select the Category for the line item. The Activity box will automatically be filled in.
  3. Choose a Selector.
  4. Choose whether the rule will look for a line item with a specific amount (equal to the number you enter) or a line item with more or less than a specific amount.
  5. Choose whether the rule will look for items at the line item level or the estimate level. Line item rules will look for a single line item that matches the criteria. Estimate level rules will look for a total of line items that match the criteria.
  6. Select whether the rule will look for corrected line items, not corrected, or neither.

To add more line item identifiers, click Add. To remove an identifier, click Delete.


This section allows you to create queue rules based on an estimate's grand total adjustment percentage or value. The rule is triggered when one or both criteria are met.


Enter a percentage of the estimate subtotal. The rule is triggered if the estimate's grand total adjustment is greater than this percentage of the estimate subtotal.


Enter a monetary value. The rule is triggered if the estimate's grand total adjustment is greater than this value.


Set the profile and instance scores required to enter the queue.

Both the profile and instance scores are comprised of a process score and an estimate score. You can set score ranges for the total score, process score, and estimate score with greater than, less than, or equal to conditions.

For more information on XactXpert, see the XactXpert articles for Xactimate online.


Client Approval

Select Manual to allow client reviewers to manually review and approve the estimates in the queue. Select Auto Approve to automatically approve the estimates in the queue based on the criteria of the rule.

Email To

Enter one or more email addresses (separated by commas). XactAnalysis sends an email to the specified addresses when an estimate triggers this rule and is sent to the Estimate Review Queue.

Automatically assign to

Enter the name of a reviewer to be specifically assigned or select (All). Estimates sent to the queue by this rule can be automatically assigned a reviewer that you specify here.


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