Keywords help you further define your search criteria. The list below contains keywords and examples that you can use in XactInsights.
top n |
bottom n |
sort by |
after |
before |
between … and ... |
daily |
day of week |
day of week |
n days for each month |
n days for each quarter |
n days for each week |
n days for each year |
last day by |
last month by |
last n days |
last n quarters |
last n weeks |
last quarter |
last week |
last year |
last n years |
month year |
month |
month |
monthly |
n months for each quarter |
n months for each year |
n days ago |
n months ago |
n months |
n quarters ago |
n weeks ago |
n years ago |
quarterly |
n quarters for each year |
today |
week |
weekly |
n weeks for each month |
n weeks for each quarter |
n weeks for each year |
year to date |
year |
yearly |
yesterday |
last hour |
n minutes |
n hours |
begins with |
contains |
ends with |
not begins with |
not contains |
not ends with |
sum |
average |
count |
max |
min |
all |
between... and |
vs, versus |
> |
< |
>= |
<= |
= |
These keywords will only work if your data source includes latitude and longitude data.
near |
near... within n miles|km|meters |
farther than n miles|km|meters from |
quarter (date) |
quarter of year (date) |
month of quarter (date) |
week of year (date) |
week of quarter (date) |
week of month (date) |
day of year (date) |
day of quarter (date) |
day (date) |
day of month (date) |
day of week (date) |
hour (datetime) |