Transactions worksheet

Updated by Arianne G.

Insights includes Xactware-specific terms, called columns, that you can use in your search.

All search columns fall under two categories: attributes or measures.

Some chart types require a specific number of attributes and measures.


Attributes are date or text values, such as names, addresses, and phone numbers; they’re highlighted in blue in the search field. Attributes usually appear on the x-axis of your charts. Below are the XactAnalysis-specific attributes that the Transactions worksheet includes.

Billing Month Year
The month and year in which the charge for the transaction was posted.
Cancellation date
The date that an assignment is canceled.
This identifies whether an assignment has a catastrophe code or not; the column displays Y or N.
Cause of loss
The thing or event that caused the type of loss to occur; similar to the type of loss, but more specific. If the type of loss is FIRE, the Cause of Loss could be Candle, Cooking, or Defective Appliance.
Claim number
The identification number for the claim; this is entered or imported when the assignment is created.
Correction Returned Date
The most recent correction date for an estimate.
Data set
Companies use data sets to separate their assignments into groups (departments or specializations).
Date of loss
The date that the damage occurred to the property.
Hierarchy level (1 – 4)
Geographical hierarchies, such as countries, provinces, cities, etc.; You can add multiple hierarchy levels to the same report. This allows you to group data by cities or province.
Industry type
The type of industry.
Insured name
The name of the policyholder.
Invoice number
This column allows you to view billing data for specific invoices.
Organization hierarchy level (1 – 7)
XactAnalysis accommodates seven different command levels, often the top-level equivalent to a corporate management and a bottom-level equivalent to individual claim reps or adjusters. These hierarchies will vary depending on your organization and your workflow. They are not used by all Xactware customers.
Policy type
The type of insurance policy (homeowner, commercial, etc.); policies can have multiple coverages.
Received date
This column shows the date and time that XactAnalysis received an assignment
Returned date
The date that an estimate is first returned to XactAnalysis.
Returned date
Risk address
The address of the risk location, which is where the property damage occurred.
Risk city
The city that the risk location is in.
Risk state
The state that the risk location is in.
Risk ZIP code
The ZIP code of the risk location.
Start date
The date on which a billable transaction occurred.
Submission date
The date on which a billable transaction was submitted.
Transaction type
This shows the type or status of a transaction, such as Received, Export, Canceled, Collaborated, and more.
Type of loss
Category of loss (Collapse, Earthquake, Fire, etc.).
View Assignment Details
This column provides links to the assignment details pages for each claim.
XactAnalysis ID
The user ID in XactAnalysis, which is unique from all other XactAnalysis users. XactAnalysis user IDs are assigned to a user by an administrator when they are first added to XactAnalysis.


Measures are numeric values, such as age or monetary amounts; they’re highlighted in green in the search field. Measures usually appear on the y-axis of your charts. Below are the XactAnalysis-specific measures that the Transactions worksheet includes.

Estimate value
The total value of the estimate.
Transaction quantity
The number of transactions billed, including credits.

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