Assignment Detail

Updated by Arianne G.

This article is for the current version of Assignment Detail. If you need information about the new version, see the new Assignment Detail article.

The Assignment Detail page displays a Detail Summary that includes the insured name, claim number, data set, assignee, status, and estimate total. You can use the Select an Action menu to complete a number of tasks or click the tabs to review assignment information, update statuses, and add notes and files.

The screenshots in this document are generic, and your company’s interface may vary.

Access the Assignment Detail page

The Assignment Detail page for a specific assignment can be accessed in many ways:

Assignment Summary

Assignment Summary is an exciting new feature that provides a quick overview of the assignment. It includes an AI-generated summary of the assignment’s notes and loss instructions, along with key claim information, coverages, and the top line items by cost.

Assignment Summary is controlled by preferences. If you do not have access to this feature and would like to turn it on, please contact your Verisk customer success manager.
While we work hard to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we cannot guarantee the quality, usefulness, or completeness of AI-generated content. For more information, see Using artificial intelligence in XactAnalysis.

To view the assignment summary, select the Summarize Assignment icon in the lower right corner of the page.

It may take up to 30 seconds for the assignment summary to generate.

Complete actions from the Assignment Detail page

You can complete a number of actions by using the Select an Action menu in the Detail Summary section.

Learn more
Accept Estimate Review

This option appears if a review has been assigned to you. When you accept an estimate review, the review status is updated in the Estimate Review Queue. For more information, see Estimate Review Queue.

Reject Payment Assignment

This option appears if you are the payment processor assigned to this assignment. Select Reject Payment Assignment to reject the payment of this assignment.

Assign Desk Adjuster

This option appears if a desk adjuster is not currently assigned to the assignment and you have the Desk Adjuster Administrator user right. Select Assign Desk Adjuster to assign a desk adjuster.

Reassign Desk Adjuster

This option appears if a desk adjuster is already assigned to the assignment and you have the Desk Adjuster Administrator user right. Select Reassign Desk Adjuster to replace the current desk adjuster with a new desk adjuster.

Remove Desk Adjuster

This option appears if a desk adjuster is already assigned to the assignment and you have the Desk Adjuster Administrator user right. Select Remove Desk Adjuster to remove the desk adjuster currently assigned to the assignment. The assignment will have no assigned desk adjuster.

Assign iPad Inventory

Some companies use a feature in XactAnalysis that allows them to send XactContents Inventory assignments to specific iPad users. Assign iPad Inventory appears when your company has turned on this feature.

Send to XactContents Mobile

Select Send to XactContents mobile to send the assignment to an XactContents mobile user. A note appears on the Notes tab when the mobile device receives the assignment (XactContents Mobile Inventory Assigned) and when it is completed (XactContents Mobile Inventory Completed). To enable this option for your company, contact your product specialist or account manager.


This option appears if you have the Cancel Assignments user right. You can only cancel assignments with a status of In Queue, Notified, Delivered, or Rejected. You cannot cancel assignments with a status of Assigned from Queue, Returned Pending, Returned, Corrected, or if it has already been canceled.


This option appears after an assignment has been sent to an adjuster or contractor. When an assignment is lost or not received by an adjuster or contractor, you can resend the assignment to the assignee. For more information, please see the Frequently asked questions article.

Resend Original Estimate

This option appears after an assignment has been sent to an adjuster or contractor. Select this option to resend the original assignment to the adjuster or contractor. The resent assignment will not include any previous estimate information.

Resend Contents Collaboration Inventory

This option appears after an XactContents Collaboration has been created. An XactContents Collaboration allows the insured to assist with the completion of an estimate by inventorying their contents losses in an online Contents Collaboration form. When the insured completes the form, the information is sent through XactAnalysis to the assigned adjuster or contractor). Select this option to resend a completed contents inventory to the assigned adjuster or contractor.


This option appears if an adjuster or contractor is not currently assigned to the assignment. Select Assign to assign an adjuster or contractor to the assignment or to assign the assignment to a different data set. You can also choose to send the assignment to the queue.

If you have the appropriate user rights, ClaimXperience will automatically launch when you assign a project to the queue in XactAnalysis. To have this feature enabled, please contact your account manager.

This option appears if the assignment is already assigned to an adjuster or contractor. Select Reassign to replace the current adjuster or contractor with a new adjuster or contractor or to assign the assignment to a different data set.

Email Assignment

Select Email Assignment to email the entire Assignment Detail or a selected portion of the Assignment Detail to selected recipients. This may be useful when working with the insured, interested parties, or collaborators.

You can insert a custom template in the body of the email. The template can be configured differently for each data set. Contact your product specialist or account manager to set this up.
Edit CAT Code

Select Edit CAT Code to add or edit a catastrophe code associated with the assignment. Many features in XactAnalysis can sort data by CAT code, and reports can be generated with data based on specific CAT codes.

Download Details

Select Download Details to download an Excel spreadsheet that includes insured, policy, and loss information, as well as estimate amounts and status completion dates.

Uncompress Files

This option appears if you have accessed an older assignment. After an assignment ages a set amount of time, the assignment is archived and associated documents, photos, and sketches are compressed. Select Uncompress Files to access any document, photos, and sketches associated with this assignment.

Create Duplicate Assignment

When you select Create Duplicate Assignment, the Send Work Assignment page appears with property owner / risk information, claim information, and policy information already populated from the assignment. This makes it easy to create a new assignment with the same Client/Policy information. For more information, see Send Work Assignment.

Send Read-Only Estimate

Select Send Read-Only Estimate to send a read-only estimate to an XactNet Address. The recipient will be able to view the estimate but make no alterations. This option is only available after an assignment is assigned.

Open ClaimXperience™

This option appears if your company has the Policyholder Sharing feature enabled and if you have the Policyholder Sharing application right.

Contact your product specialist or account manager to enable the Policyholder Sharing feature.

Select Open ClaimXperience to open ClaimXperience in a new tab along with all of the relevant claim information. ClaimXperience allows both you and the policyholder to select and share claim-related documents, notes, and photos. It also allows you to initiate a video collaboration with the policyholder through the policyholder's mobile device. Any files shared by the policyholder are indicated with a Policyholder identifier in the Documents, Notes, and Photos tabs.  

Export to (Third Party)

This option appears when you have an account with a third-party company and are in a data set with the appropriate rights. For more information, see How to collaborate with in-house and third-party solutions in the Getting Started guide. Select Export to (Third Party) to export the assignment to a third-party company.

Already Exported to (Third Party)

This is not a selectable option. This bookmark appears when you have already exported the assignment to a third-party company.

Request (Third-Party) Roofing Measurement

This option appears when you have an account with a third-party roofing-measurement company and are in a data set with the appropriate rights. For more information, see How to collaborate with in-house and third-party solutions in the Getting Started guide. Select Request (Third-Party) Roofing Measurement to request a roofing measurement from a third-party company.

(Third-Party) Roofing Measurement Already Requested

This is not a selectable option. This bookmark appears when you have already requested a roofing measurement from a third-party company.

Resend (Company) Roofing Measurement to Xactimate

This option appears when you have already requested and received a roofing measurement from a third-party company. Select Resend (Company) Roofing Measurement to Xactimate to resend the roofing measurement to an Xactimate user.

Assign Reviewer

This option appears if your company uses the Estimate Review Queue and you have the Estimate Review Administrator user right. Select Assign Reviewer to assign the assignment to a reviewer.

Create Referral Assignment

When completing an estimate, an assignee may need the assistance of additional adjusters or contractors with other areas of expertise, such as contents or roofing specialists. They can refer assignments to these specialists, who can then complete portions of the estimate. Select Create Referral Assignment to create a referral assignment. For more information, see Referral Assignment.

Save Documents

This option allows you to save assignment information, including documents and images, to your computer. This may be useful if you need to work remotely. When you select this option, a page appears that allows you to select which information, documents, or images to download.

Assign Business Unit

Some companies use a feature in XactAnalysis that allows them to create business units. For example, a company may create separate commercial and residential business units. Many features in XactAnalysis can sort data by business unit, and reports can be generated with data based on specific business units. This option appears when a company has turned on the business unit feature and created business units. Select Assign Business Unit to assign the assignment to a specific business unit.

Reassign Business Unit

This option appears when an assignment has already been assigned to a business unit. Select Reassign Business Unit to reassign the assignment to a different business unit.

Assign and Schedule Initial Inspection

This option allows you to assign an adjuster/contractor to an assignment and immediately schedule an initial inspection date and time. If an assignment is already assigned, this option is changed to Schedule Initial Inspection.

You can also reassign and schedule an initial inspection by selecting Reassign and Schedule Initial Inspection. If you reassign an assignment, a cancellation or reschedule confirmation email is automatically sent to the policyholder, depending on whether you schedule a new appointment.
Update Program Location

This option allows you to reassign the assignment to a different program location within your company's hierarchy.

Assignment Detail tabs

On the Assignment Detail page, you will see a Detail Summary that includes information about the insured name, claim number, data set, assignee, status, and estimate total.

The Detail Summary also displays an estimate’s Inspection Score if the estimate was completed in Xactimate. The Process and Estimate scores are displayed next to the total score. 

The visibility of the Inspection Score is controlled by a preference.

You will also see a number of tabs from which you can review assignment information, update statuses and add notes and files. The following sections discuss each tab.


The Details tab is displayed by default and shows the assignee information, XactAnalysis® statuses, workflow statuses, and approval statuses (see Statuses for a complete list of statuses in XactAnalysis).

The Assignee Information section displays information about the adjuster or contractor assigned to the assignment and their contact information. The XactAnalysis Status section displays system-based statuses that are automatically tracked by XactAnalysis. The Workflow Status and Approval Status sections display statuses that can be updated manually.

Adjuster/contractor tasks

The following tasks are usually accomplished by the adjuster or contractor in Xactimate®:

Workflow statuses are customizable, and the following definitions are examples of how a company may use them.
Customer Contacted

This status informs the carrier when the customer was contacted. You update this status in the Details tab, or XactAnalysis updates it with information received from Xactimate.

Site Inspected

This status informs the carrier when the property was inspected. You update this status in the Details tab, or XactAnalysis updates it with information received from Xactimate.

Initial Inspection Status

This status informs the carrier when the initial inspection took place. You can schedule an initial inspection and update this status in the Details tab.

Job Started

This optional status informs the carrier when the job has been started.

Job Completed

This optional status informs both parties then the job has been completed.

Job Not Sold

This optional status informs both parties when the client or insured has refused the job.

File examiner tasks

The following tasks are usually accomplished by file examiners:

Workflow statuses are customizable, and the following definitions are examples of how a company may use them.
Reviewer Assigned

This status indicates that a completed estimate has entered the estimate review queue to be reviewed, and the review administrator has assigned it to a specific reviewer.

Review Accepted

This status indicates that the person assigned to complete the review has accepted the review.

Reviewed with Exceptions

This status indicates that the reviewer completed reviewing the estimate but found problems. In this situation, the estimate often requires additional work. When the additional work is complete, the estimate is uploaded again, and a subsequent review is performed.

Review Completed

This status indicates that the estimate review is complete and has no problems.

QA Approved

This is an optional quality-control status that carriers or service provider companies often use to indicate that a specific type of review has been satisfactorily completed.

Client Approved

This is also an optional quality-control status that carriers or service provider companies often use to indicate that a specific type of review has been satisfactorily completed.

File Status

This optional status allows the carrier to mark the assignment Closed. When an assignment is marked Closed, the assignee can no longer update the estimate, unless the carrier updates the status to File Reopened.  

Other tasks

The following tasks can be accomplished by anyone with appropriate rights:

Collaboration Status

This status allows any user with the Collaboration Admin user right to assign an estimate for collaboration, and shows the date and time of any collaboration that has occurred. For more information, see Estimate Collaboration.

Attention Status

This status allows any user to mark an assignment as Attention Needed, indicating that the assignment is time-sensitive or requires special considerations.

Update a status

  1. Click the Edit icon in the row of the status you want to update. The Update Status dialog box appears.
The available fields in the Update Status dialog box may vary based on the particular status that you are updating. In this example, we are updating the status to Drying Completed.
  1. Complete the Update Status dialog box as follows:
Date Updated

This field defaults to the current date. You can change the date as needed.


Type a note in this field. The note will be added to the Notes tab. If you select the Exclude notes from carrier view check box, the carrier will not see the note but will still see the status update.

Email To

Enter a recipient email address, or select email addresses from your address book. Select the check boxes to send an email to additional recipients and to include the Note text in the email.

Send to XactNet® Address

Enter a recipient XactNet address, or select XactNet addresses from your address book. Separate multiple addresses with a semicolon.

  1. Click Update Status. The status is updated on the Details tab.
Assign a collaborator

XactAnalysis allows a claim rep / adjuster who is not the assignee to perform work on a returned estimate without changing the “ownership” of the estimate. See Estimate Collaboration for more information about how to use this feature.


The Client/Policy tab displays the property owner and risk information, claim information, client information, and policy information that was entered when the assignment was created.


The Map tab displays a Google Map of the assignment's location.

  • Click the plus and minus buttons in the bottom right corner of the map to zoom in and out.
  • Click the Fullscreen icon in the top right corner of the map to expand the map so it fills your entire screen.
  • Click the Satellite button in the top left corner of the map to view the map in satellite imagery mode.
  • Click the person icon in the bottom right corner of the map and drag it to a location on the map to see actual photo imagery of the location.
  • Click the reset icon in the bottom right corner of the map to reset the map with the assignment location in the center.

The coordinates provided in the map are also included in assignment email notifications along with a link to the location in Google Maps.


In the Action Items tab, you can view and create action items (or tasks) related to the completion of the assignment. For example, you can create a Customer Contacted action item with a due date of seven days, and assign it to the adjuster or contractor assigned to the assignment. The adjuster or contractor receives an email about the action item. When the adjuster or contractor contacts the customer and marks the action item complete, you receive an email notification. If the adjuster or contractor does not complete the action item within seven days, you both receive an email notification.

XactAnalysis automatically updates the status of some action items when certain actions are completed. For example, when an assignment enters the Assignment Queue or estimate is uploaded. You can create action items for these tasks to communicate deadlines and receive notification if something is past due. Some action items, including all custom action items, must be marked Complete by a user. Past due action items appear red.

You can create a program rule that automatically adds an action item in the assignment when a specified time elapses. Just select the Notify Assignee check box when you create the program rule.
Add an action item
  1. Click Add Action Item. The Add Action Item dialog box appears.
  1. Complete the Add Action Item dialog box as follows:

Notifications Section

To Be Performed By

Select the radio button to indicate to whom this task is assigned. You can select either the assignee (for example, the contractor) or the creator of the action item (yourself).

Notify When Created

Select the Notify When…Created check box to notify the assignee or other email recipients when this action item is created.

Notify When Past Due

Select the Notify When…Past Due check box to notify the assignee, yourself, or other email recipients when the action item is not completed by its due date.

Action Item Information


Select this radio button to create a custom action item. Name the action item in the provided field.


Select this radio button to create a standard action item. Choose an action item from the drop-down menu. See the standard action item list at the end of this section for more information.

Due In

Select the radio button to indicate the number of days in which this action item is due. You can select 1, 7, 14, 28 Days, or Other.

Due Date

This will display the due date or, if you selected Other, allow you to fill in the due date.


Enter the time at which this action item will be due


Enter any additional note regarding this action item

  1. Click Save.

Delete an action item

  1. Click Delete next to the action item.
  2. A confirmation dialog box appears showing the action item details. Click Delete. The action item is removed from the Action Items tab.

Mark an action item complete

  1. Click Mark Complete next to the action item you want to mark as complete. The Update Status dialog box appears.
XactAnalysis automatically updates the status of some action items. Only action items that are not automatically updated by XactAnalysis can be marked complete by a user.
  1. Complete the Update Status dialog box as follows:
Date Updated

This field defaults to the current date. You can change the date as needed.


Enter a note in this field. The note will be added to the Notes tab. If you select the Exclude notes from carrier view check box, the carrier will not see the note but will still see the status update.

Email To

Enter a recipient email address, or select email addresses from your address book. Select the check boxes to send an email to additional recipients and to include the Note text in the email.

Send to XactNet® Address

Enter a recipient XactNet address, or select XactNet addresses from your address book. Separate multiple addresses with a semicolon.

  1. Click Update Status. The action item no longer appears in the action item list, and a note is added to the Notes and Activity Log tabs.

Standard Action Item list

The following list of standard Action Items allows you to set a task:

Assignment Received

The date the assignment was first received into the Assignment Queue or assigned to an adjuster or contractor. If the assignment was sent to the Assignment Queue first, the Received date is updated when it is assigned to an adjuster or contractor. After being assigned the first time, the Received date is no longer updated (the Reassignment, Referral, or Collaboration statuses are used instead).

Entered Assignment Queue

To request a notification when the assignment has entered the Assignment Queue.

Send Notification

To send a notification to selected individuals.

Download Assignment

For an adjuster or contractor to download the assignment.

Contact Customer

To make contact with the insured.

Inspect Job Site

To inspect the job site.

Upload Non $0 Estimate

To upload a non $0 estimate for the assignment.

Upload Estimate

To upload an estimate for the assignment.

Upload Correction

To upload a correction for the assignment.

Upload Report

To upload a report for the assignment.

Submit to Carrier Review Queue

To request the assignment be reviewed by the carrier.

Submit to Service Provider Review Queue

To request the assignment be reviewed by an independent adjusting company.

Assign Carrier Reviewer

To request that a carrier reviewer be assigned by a specific date.

Assign Service Provider Reviewer

To request that an adjuster or contractor reviewer be assigned to the assignment by a specific date.

Carrier Review with Exceptions

When the carrier has marked the assignment “Reviewed w/ Exceptions.”

Carrier Review

To request that the carrier review the assignment.

Service Provider Review with Exceptions

When the Service Provider has marked the assignment “Reviewed w/ Exceptions.”

Service Provider Review

To request that the associated contractor or independent adjusting company review the assignment.

Review with Exceptions

When the assignment has been marked “Reviewed w/ Exceptions.”


To request a review of the assignment.

Assigned Out of Assignment Queue

When the assignment should be assigned out of the Assignment Queue.

QA Rejected

When the assignment has been marked QA Rejected.

QA Approved

When the assignment has been marked QA Approved.

Collaboration Checked Out

When the assignment has been checked out for collaboration.

Collaboration Checked In

When collaboration has been completed, and the assignment is checked back in.

Client Approved

When the assignment has been marked Client Approved.

Client Rejected

When the assignment has been marked Client Rejected.

Start Work

To start work on the assignment.

Complete Job

To complete the job and mark it “Job Completed” in Xactimate.

File Closed

When the assignment has been marked “File Closed.”

Entered Reinspection Queue

When the assignment has been sent to the Reinspection Queue.

Assign Reinspector

To request that the assignment be assigned to a reinspector.

Complete Reinspection

To request a time when the reinspection of the assignment should be complete.


In this tab, you can manually enter notes related to the assignment. XactAnalysis also automatically adds system notes as certain assignment events occur, for example status updates or action item events.

  • Change whether or not XactAnalysis SP users can view a note by clicking the link in the Excluded from XASP column.
  • You can add a reply to non-automated notes by clicking the Reply link next to the note. Reply notes appear under the original note as well as anywhere else notes are displayed.

Add a note

  1. Click Add Note in the Notes tab.
  2. Enter your comment in the Note field and format as necessary.
    1. The rich text editor allows you to bold, italicize, underline, strikethrough, subscript, superscript, number, or bullet your message.
      Screen capture of a text box with a rich text editor toolbar that includes buttons to bold, italicise, underline, strikethrough, subscript, superscript, number, and bullet text.
  3. Optional: Select the Include Signature check box to add a custom signature to the message.
    1. The rich text editor allows you to bold, italicize, underline, strikethrough, subscript, superscript, number, or bullet your message.
    2. Click Add Logo to insert the company logo set in XactAnalysis.
    3. If you select Save Signature, your signature is saved and appears automatically when you add another note and select Include Signature.
  4. Optional: you can send your note to other people using different methods.
    1. Email: enter email addresses separated by a comma or select them from your Personal Address Book by clicking the Address Book button next to “Email To.”
    2. XactNet Address:
      1. The note is sent to the user in Xactimate/XactAnalysis .
      2. The assignee’s XactNet address is automatically added here so you don’t need to add them.
      3. Select other XactNet addresses by entering a semicolon separated list or by clicking the Address Book button next to “Send to XactNet Address”.
    3. Role: select the check box for the roles that you want to send the assignment to. Possible roles include:
      1. Assignee
      2. Desk Adjuster
      3. Project Manager
      4. Surveyor
      5. Reviewer
        Screen capture of the communication options of the notes; email to is a text field, send to xactnet address is a text field, and all other options are check boxes in a list
Selecting Exclude from “XactAnalysis For Service Providers” hides the note from any contractors or adjusters who only have access to XactAnalysis SP.
Assignment Notes are permanent and cannot be deleted or edited.


When an estimate is completed and returned to XactAnalysis, it has a number of documents attached, such as the Report Rough Draft, Variation Report, and Estimate Audit Report, as well as any custom documents that were uploaded by the adjuster or contractor. For more information about specific attached reports, see Estimate reports.

  • Click a document name to view it in a separate window.
  • Change whether or not XactAnalysis SP users can view a document by clicking the link in the Excluded from XASP column.
  • Send a document to Xactimate by clicking No in the Send to Xactimate column.
XactAnalysis limits the size of documents that can be uploaded. You can upload the following file types:
  • Compressed: .zip
  • Documents: .doc, .docx, .docm, .html, .htm, .mht, .msg, .pdf, .txt, .xls, and .xlsx
  • Image: .jpg, .jpeg, and .png
  • Sound: .wav, .mp3, and .wma
Add a document
  1. Click Add Documents. The Upload Documents dialog box appears.You can also drag and drop files onto the Drop Files to Attach section to add documents
  2. Click Select Files. Select files to upload.
  3. To upload the document to Xactimate as well, select the Send to Xactimate checkbox.
Xactimate mobile only accepts the .pdf file type.
  1. Type a file description in the Description field.
  2. Click Complete Upload. The documents appear in the Documents tab.
XactAnalysis limits the size of documents that can be uploaded. You can upload the following file types:
  • Compressed: .zip
  • Documents: .doc, .docx, .docm, .html, .htm, .mht, .msg, .pdf, .txt, .xls, and .xlsx
  • Image: .jpg, .jpeg, and .png
  • Sound: .wav, .mp3, and .wma
Once uploaded, documents are permanent and cannot be deleted or edited.
Approve or reject items

Companies use the Approve and Reject status in different ways. Some companies use these statuses to trigger an export of data to another system. Some independent adjusters and contractors may prevent a carrier from accessing documents until they are marked approved.

  • To approve an item in the documents list, select the check box at the end of the item row. Click Approve Item(s).
  • To reject an item in the documents list, select the check box at the end of the item row. Click Reject Item(s).
View Labor Efficiencies by Trade report

When an estimate is created in a version of Xactimate that allows a separate labor efficiency setting by trade, a View Labor Efficiencies by Trade link appears above the document list. The labor efficiencies link displays each labor-efficiency setting that was used for each trade.


The Photos tab displays thumbnails of any images associated with an assignment.

  • Click a photo name to view it in a separate window.
  • Change whether or not XactAnalysis SP users can view a photo by clicking the link in the Excluded from XASP column.
  • Send individual photos to Xactimate by clicking the link in the Send to Xactimate column.
  • Send multiple photos to Xactimate by selecting their check boxes and clicking Send to Xactimate.
XactAnalysis limits the size of files that can be uploaded. You can upload the following file types: .jpg, .jpeg, and .png.
Add a photo

Be careful when you add photos to an assignment. Once uploaded, the images and their associated data are permanent and cannot be deleted or edited. However, photos can still be excluded from XASP and sent to Xactimate after they have been uploaded.

  1. Click Add Photos. The Upload Images dialog box appears.
  2. Click Select Files. Select files to upload.
  3. Type a file description in the Description field.
  4. Type a tag in the Tags field, if needed.
  5. Click Complete Upload. The photos appear in the Photos tab.
XactAnalysis limits the size of files that can be uploaded. You can upload the following file types: .jpg, .jpeg, and .png.
Approve or reject items

Companies use the Approve and Reject status in different ways. Some companies use these statuses to trigger an export of data to another system. Some independent adjusters and contractors may prevent a carrier from accessing documents until they are marked approved.

  • To approve an item in the photos list, select the check box at the end of the item row. Click Approve Item(s).
  • To reject an item in the photos list, select the check box at the end of the item row. Click Reject Item(s).
Filter by tags

Photos can be tagged for sorting when they are uploaded to Xactimate or XactAnalysis.

  1. Click the drop-down menu to the left of the Filter by Tags button.
  2. Select whether you want to search for photos that have all of your selected tags or any of your selected tags using the appropriate radio button.
  3. Select the check boxes for the tags that apply to your search.
  4. Click Filter by Tags. Photos with the selected tags appear in the Photos tab.


If the Video Collaboration feature is enabled, you can initiate video chat sessions with users of the ClaimXperience mobile app. To initiate a video chat session, click Start Video Collaboration. Any recordings made during a video chat session are stored here. Click a video to watch it in a separate window.

Contact your product specialist or account manager to enable this feature. Additionally, you must have the ClaimXperience - Video Collaboration user right for the Video Collaboration button to appear.
Approve or reject items

Companies use the Approve and Reject status in different ways. Some companies use these statuses to trigger an export of data to another system. Some independent adjusters and contractors may prevent a carrier from accessing documents until they are marked approved.

  • To approve an item in the videos list, select the check box at the end of the item row. Click Approve Item(s).
  • To reject an item in the videos list, select the check box at the end of the item row. Click Reject Item(s).


This tab shows which third-party vendors are available to you and allows you to easily submit order requests to them.

There’s also a table that displays any orders made to your third-party vendors.


When Xactimate Sketches are uploaded with an estimate, they are rendered as a PDF with one image per level.

  • Click a sketch name to view it in a separate window.
Approve or reject items

Companies use the Approve and Reject status in different ways. Some companies use these statuses to trigger an export of data to another system. Some independent adjusters and contractors may prevent a carrier from accessing documents until they are marked approved.

  • To approve an item in the sketches list, select the check box at the end of the item row. Click Approve Item(s).
  • To reject an item in the sketches list, select the check box at the end of the item row. Click Reject Item(s).


The Activity Log tab displays the date and time of assignment events, including when photos, documents, notes, videos, sketches, and action items are added. These events are sorted into collapsible lists by date.

  • Click the drop-down menu on the User Name column to filter a list.
  • Click a document, photo, video, or sketch name to view it in a separate window.
Approve or reject items

Companies use the Approve and Reject status in different ways. Some companies use these statuses to trigger an export of data to another system. Some independent adjusters and contractors may prevent a carrier from accessing documents until they are marked approved.

  • To approve an item in the Action Log list, select the check box at the end of the item row. Click Approve Item(s).
  • To reject an item in the Action Log list, select the check box at the end of the item row. Click Reject Item(s).


If an assignment has been reassigned, a History tab appears on the Assignment Details page. This tab shows the Details tab information for each previously assigned adjuster or contractor. The current assignee information is shown on the Details tab.


The Previous Loss tab displays all loss information from previous claims associated with the policy number. XactAnalysis does this by comparing the policy number of the claim with the policy number of all previous claims. If there is a match, XactAnalysis sends the previous loss information with the assignment. The following information is displayed in both Xactimate and XactAnalysis:

  • Policy #
  • Claim #
  • Date of Loss
  • Type of Loss
  • Estimate Amount (Gross Estimate Total)
  • Deductibles

Click the Claim # to view the Assignment Detail for the previous loss.

You must have the proper user rights to view a previous loss.


This tab displays water mitigation information collected for the assignment from XactScope. To enable this feature, contact your account manager.

The Water Mitigation tab


Customers of ClaimSearch® can receive ClaimSearch information in XactAnalysis and Xactimate. When a new assignment is created, XactAnalysis sends a search request to ClaimSearch, and any claims with the same loss address are displayed in XactAnalysis and Xactimate.

In XactAnalysis, the results are displayed as a report on the Claim Search tab.

  • Click the report link to view the PDF report in your browser. Contact your product specialist or account manager to have this feature configured for your company.


When reports are ordered from outside XactAnalysis, the information from those reports appears in this tab.

  • To view a report from outside XactAnalysis, click the External Data tab and select one of the options.


Task assignments are read-only in XactAnalysis. You can view task assignment details, forms, photos, notes, and documents from the Task List tab.

Task assignment workflow

Task assignments are preliminary assignments in XactAnalysis SP that do not need to be sent to Xactimate to be completed. A task adjuster enters basic information including notes, documents, and photos into the Task List tab in XactAnalysis SP. You can view the Task List tab in XactAnalysis when the task adjuster submits updates.

When the task assignment is complete, the carrier then reassigns the assignment to a regular adjuster or contractor who writes the estimate in Xactimate.

To set up the task adjuster workflow for your company, contact your product specialist or account manager.


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