XactInsights includes Xactware-specific terms, called columns, that you can use in your search.
All search columns fall under two categories: attributes or measures.
Some chart types require a specific number of attributes and measures.
Attributes are date or text values, such as names, addresses, and phone numbers; they’re highlighted in blue in the search field. Attributes usually appear on the x-axis of your charts. Below are the XactAnalysis-specific attributes that the Claims worksheet includes.
Adjuster custom group
In XactAnalysis, you can use Custom Groups to create groups of adjusters and contractors for reporting purposes and for Payment Queue rules (if your company uses the Payment Queue).
All Photos Labeled
This column indicates whether all photos in a claim have labels.
Appointment date
The date of a scheduled appointment. Depending on your account settings, you either update this status in the Details tab, or XactAnalysis updates it with information received from Xactimate.
The name of the adjuster or contractor that the assignment is assigned to.
Assignee company name
The company that the assignee works for.
Assignee email
The email address of the assignee.
Assignment created by
The system that created the assignment (SWA, EDI, Referral, Reassignment, etc.).
Assignment status
Statuses mark an assignment’s progress in the claim process. Because workflows can vary from company to company and from team to team, the statuses in XactAnalysis are highly customizable. For more information, see our Statuses help article.
Attention needed status
This indicates whether or not an assignment needs attention (Attention Needed, No Attention Needed, Attention Hold). You can update this status in Send Work Assignment or the Details tab of Assignment Detail.
Business unit
Some companies use a feature in XactAnalysis that allows them to create business units. For example, a company may create separate units for their commercial and residential business.
Cancelation date
The date that an assignment is canceled.
CAT code
A code for a catastrophe; when added, the column will display the name of the catastrophe as entered by an account user.
This identifies whether an assignment has a catastrophe code or not; the column displays Y or N.
Cause of loss
The thing or event that caused the type of loss to occur; similar to the type of loss, but more specific. If the type of loss is FIRE, the Cause of Loss could be Candle, Cooking, or Defective Appliance.
Checkpoint price list
This column displays the checkpoint price list for the estimate. A checkpoint price list provides a frame of reference for the estimating price list(s), which are applied when the estimate is created.
Claim number
The identification number for the claim; this is entered or imported when the assignment is created.
Claim rep code
This is an optional field in XactAnalysis that some customers use to identify the person who is managing the claim.
Claim rep name
The name of the person who manages the claim for the carrier.
ClaimXperience policyholder collaborated
This column indicates whether a ClaimXperience Policyholder Collaboration occurred.
Client approval status
This indicates whether an assignment was approved by the client (Not Yet Approved by Client, Client Approved, Client Rejected). See Approval statuses for more information.
Closed claims classification
The recorded status of a closed claim (Not Proceeding, Fulfilled, or No Status Recorded).
Contacted date
The date that the customer or policyholder is contacted. This date is manually entered by the user.
Contents collaboration date
The date that a contents collaboration occurred.
Contents collaboration receipts date
The latest date that contents collaboration receipts were received.
Contents coverage type
This specifies whether or not contents of the home are covered by the policy. The column will display either Contents or Not Contents.
Cycle time end date
The date of the final status change on the assignment. The final status change could be the file closed date, QA approved date, corrected estimate date, or job not sold date. For more information, see Statuses.
Data set
Companies use data sets to separate their assignments into groups (departments or specializations).
Delay end date
The date the delay period ends. You can enter this date manually on an assignment's Details tab.
Delay reason
The reason the workflow process was delayed and the assignment was not completed by the target completion date. You can update the delay reason, as well as the start and finish dates, in the assignment's Details tab.
Delay start date
The date the delay period begins.
Desk adjuster
The name of the desk adjuster; a desk adjuster estimates and settles simple claims such as theft, vandalism, or minor fire and water damage over the phone, allowing field adjusters to focus on larger, more complex claims. They may also coordinate the multiple assignments on a claim with contractors, independent adjusters, or other industry professionals.
Dwelling coverage type
This specifies whether or not a dwelling is covered by the policy. The column will display either Dwelling or Not Dwelling.
Estimate count bin
This column groups assignments by the number of estimates they have.
Estimate price list
This column displays the name of the estimate price list that’s applied to the estimate when it’s created. Price lists are compiled by Xactware and consist of general quote items, contents cleaning items, and sales tax jurisdictions.
Estimated onsite
This indicates whether or not the estimate was performed onsite.
File closed date
The date that an assignment is marked as closed; a file might be marked as closed by a user or by the system if the file is reassigned. In that instance, a new file is created, and the old file is marked as "Closed."
File status
XactAnalysis tracks assignments as having been opened, reopened, and closed.
File status date
The most recent date that the file status was updated.
First client approved date
The first date that the estimate received client approval.
First drying started date
The first date that mitigation drying started. You update this date in the Details tab.
First gross estimate variation
This column indicates whether there was variation between the first gross estimate and the latest gross estimate.
First gross estimate variation bin
This column groups assignments by the variation between the first estimate and the last estimate.
First QA approved date
The date that an assignment is first marked as QA Approved. This is an optional quality-control status that carriers or service providers often use to indicate that a specific type of review has been satisfactorily completed.
First returned date
The first date that the estimate is returned to XactAnalysis from the adjuster or contractor.
Form name
This column displays a list of policy forms and endorsements.
Hail event
This specifies whether there is a hail event; the field will list hail event, no hail event, or unavailable.
Hail event date
The date of the hail event.
Hail event window
How long ago the hail event occurred (+/- 1 week, +/- 1 month, +/- 1 year, etc.)
Hail size
The diameter of the hail in inches.
Hierarchy level (1 – 4)
Geographical hierarchies, such as countries, provinces, cities, etc.; You can add multiple hierarchy levels to the same report. This allows you to group data by cities or province.
Industry trade
The industry trade used for the assignment, such as drywall, flooring, painting, and HVAC.
Insights gross estimate bin
This column groups assignments by their gross estimate amount.
Inspected date
The date that the site is inspected by the adjuster or contractor.
Inspected onsite
This indicates whether or not the assignment had an onsite inspection.
Insured name
The name of the policyholder.
Invoice Date
The date that the Invoice Status was updated in Assignment Details.
Is Merged XactRebuild
This indicates whether the estimate was merged in XactRebuild.
Is XactRebuild
This indicates whether XactRebuild was used.
Job completed date
The date that a job is completed. You can update this date in the Details tab.
Job not sold date
The date that a job was marked as Not Sold; this might occur if the client or insured refuses the job. This is an optional field in XactAnalysis that you can update in the Details tab.
Job not sold reason
The reason provided for the job not being sold.
Job size
The size of the job based on cost; the column displays sizes ranging from Small to Extra Large.
Job started date
The date that a job is started. You can update this date in the Details tab.
Job type
The type of work that an adjuster or contractor will need to complete (General, Emergency, etc.).
Last client approved date
The last date that the estimate received client approval.
Last corrected date
The most recent date that an estimate is corrected and returned to XactAnalysis.
Last drying completed date
The last date that mitigation drying was completed. You update this date in the Details tab of Assignment Detail.
Last QA approved date
The last date that an assignment is marked as QA Approved. This is an optional quality-control status that carriers or service providers often use to indicate that a specific type of review has been satisfactorily completed.
Loss date
The date that the damage occurred to the property.
Loss received date
The date the carrier received the claim.
Notified date
The date that the assignment’s assignee (Xactimate user) is notified. This date is automatically updated by XactAnalysis.
Organization hierarchy level (1 – 7)
XactAnalysis accommodates seven different command levels, often the top-level equivalent to a corporate management and a bottom-level equivalent to individual claim reps or adjusters. These hierarchies will vary depending on your organization and your workflow. They are not used by all Xactware customers.
Other structure coverage type
This specifies whether or not a structure other than the primary dwelling is covered by the policy. The column will display either Other Structure or Not Other Structure.
This column displays the name of the project owner as specified in Xactimate projects.
Paid onsite
This indicates whether or not the assignment received a manual onsite payment.
Payment received date
The date that the payment is received.
Payment status
The status of a claim’s payment. There are five possible statuses: Paid, Submitted for Payment, Payment Processor Assigned, Removed from Payment Queue, and Not Paid.
Policy type
The type of insurance policy (homeowner, commercial, etc.); policies can have multiple coverages.
Printed onsite
This indicates whether or not the estimate for an assignment was printed and given to the policyholder onsite.
Project manager name
The name of the project manager.
QA approval status
This indicates whether an assignment was approved by Quality Assurance (Not Yet Approved, QA Approved, QA Rejected). See Approval statuses for more information.
Received date
The date and time the XactAnalysis system receives the assignment. This is an automatically generated timestamp.
Returned date
The date that an estimate is first returned to XactAnalysis.
Risk address
The address of the risk location, which is where the property damage occurred.
Risk census division
The census division that the risk location is in.
Risk city
The city that the risk location is in.
Risk country
The country that the risk location is in.
Risk county
The county that the risk location is in.
Risk postal code
The postal code for the risk location.
Risk province
The province that the risk location is in.
Risk state
The state that the risk location is in.
Risk ZIP Code
The ZIP Code of the risk location.
Target completion date
The date the estimate should be completed. You update this date in the Details tab of Assignment Detail.
Target start date
The target date to start the estimate. You update this date in the Details tab of Assignment Detail.
Type of loss
Category of loss (Collapse, Earthquake, Fire, etc.).
View Assignment Details
This column provides links to the assignment details pages for each claim.
Xactimate mobile used
This column indicates whether Xactimate mobile was used in the claim process.
Zero dollar estimate
This indicates whether or not the estimate had a value of zero dollars.
Measures are numeric values, such as age or monetary amounts; they’re highlighted in green in the search field. Measures usually appear on the y-axis of your charts. Below are the XactAnalysis-specific measures that the Claims worksheet includes.
Assignment count
The number of assignments.
Assignments returned count
The number of returned assignments.
Ceiling Square Feet
This column shows the SF Ceiling amount listed in Xactimate's Report Rough Draft.
Collaboration count
The number of estimate collaborations.
Contacted to inspected days
The number of days between when the customer is contacted and the property is inspected.
Contacted to inspected workdays
The number of workdays between when the customer is contacted and the property is inspected.
Contents deductible amount
The deductible amount from line items with the Contents coverage type.
Contents estimate amount
The estimate amount from line items with the Contents coverage type.
Contents policy limit amount
The policy limit amount from line items with the Contents coverage type.
Corrected estimate count
The number of estimates that have corrections.
Cycle time days
The number of days between the Received Date and the end of a claim. The end date of a claim is the latest File Closed Date, QA Approved Date, Estimate Date, Corrected Estimate Date, or Job Not Sold Date.
Cycle time workdays
The number of workdays between the Received Date and the end of a claim. The end date of a claim is the latest File Closed Date, QA Approved Date, Estimate Date, Corrected Estimate Date, or Job Not Sold Date.
Deductible amount
The amount the policyholder pays before the insurance provider will pay any expenses.
Drying days
The number of days between the First Drying Started Date and the Last Drying Completed Date.
Drying workdays
The number of work days between the First Drying Started Date and the Last Drying Completed Date.
Exterior Wall Square Feet
This column shows the Exterior Wall Area amount listed in Xactimate's Report Rough Draft.
Files with estimates
The number of claims that have one or more returned estimates.
First gross estimate amount
The first gross estimate amount recorded for the current version of estimate.
First gross estimate variation percent
The percentage of variation between the first estimate and the last estimate.
Floor Square Feet
This column shows the SF Floor amount listed in Xactimate's Report Rough Draft.
Fourth gross estimate amount
The fourth gross estimate amount recorded for the current version of the estimate.
Hail report count
The number of hail reports.
In progress count
The number of claims that are in-progress. Assignments are considered to be in progress if they have a File Status of "Open" as well as an XactAnalysis Status of "Notification Pending," "Notified," or "Delivered."
In progress cycle time days
The number of days a project is in-progress. Assignments are considered to be in progress if they have a File Status of "Open" as well as an XactAnalysis Status of "Notification Pending," "Notified," or "Delivered."
Inspected findings count
The number of estimates that had errors found during an inspection. For example, if you add this to a search with Assignee as the first column or attribute, you will see how many estimates each assignee had that had errors found during an inspection.
Inspected savings count
The number of estimates that had savings found during an inspection. For example, if you add this to a search with Assignee as the first column or attribute, you will see how many estimates each Assignee had that had savings found during an inspection.
Inspected to returned days
The number of days between when the property is inspected and the assignment is returned.
Inspected to returned workdays
The number of workdays between when the property is inspected and the assignment is returned.
Interior Wall Square Feet
This column shows the Interior Wall Area amount listed in Xactimate's Report Rough Draft.
Labeled Photos Count
This column shows the number of labeled photos.
Last gross estimate amount
The sum of all of the estimate total amounts. For example, if you pair this column with Business Unit, you will see each business unit's sum of estimate totals.
Lightning report count
The number of lightning reports.
Loss to received days
The number of days between when a loss occurred and the claim is received.
Material depreciation amount
The amount of material depreciation in an estimate.
Non-material depreciation amount
The amount of non-material depreciation in an estimate.
Non-recoverable depreciation amount
The amount of depreciation that is not eligible for reimbursement, according to the insurance policy.
Number of corrections
The number of corrections in an estimate.
Number of line items
The number of line items in an estimate.
Original gross estimate amount
The first gross estimate amount recorded for the original estimate, regardless of any corrections that occurred later.
Other structures deductible amount
The deductible amount from line items with the Other Structures coverage type.
Other structures estimate amount
The estimate amount from line items with the Other Structures coverage type.
Other structures policy limit amount
The policy limit amount from line items with the Other Structures coverage type.
Overhead amount
The monetary amount recorded as overhead; For more information, see our Pricing Methodology white paper.
Overhead and profit count
The number of assignments that have a recorded overhead and profit; For more information, see our Pricing Methodology white paper.
Overhead and profit depreciation amount
The monetary amount recorded as overhead and profit depreciation.
Overhead percent
The percentage that an estimate is marked up to cover overhead expenses, such as driving to the job and office costs.
Percentage of total estimate value
This column allows you to see your search results in percentages. For example, if you add this column to a search with Type of loss, your results will show what percentage of the total estimate value falls under various types of loss.
Percentage of total estimates
This column allows you to see your search results in percentages. For example, if you add this column to a search with Type of loss, your results will show what percentage of estimates fall under various types of loss.
Profit amount
The monetary amount marked as profit; for more information, see our Pricing Methodology white paper.
Profit percent
The percentage that an estimate is marked up to ensure a profit; for more information, see our Pricing Methodology white paper.
Received to contacted days
The number of days between when an assignment is received and the customer is contacted.
Received to contacted workdays
The number of workdays between when an assignment is received and the customer is contacted.
Received to inspected days
The number of days between when an assignment is received and the property is inspected.
Received to inspected workdays
The number of workdays between when an assignment is received and the customer is contacted.
Received to returned days
The number of days between when an assignment is received and when it is returned.
Received to returned workdays
The number of workdays between when an assignment is received and when it is returned.
Recoverable depreciation amount
The difference between the actual cost value (ACV) and replacement cost.
Returned to client approved days
The number of days between when an assignment is returned and when it is marked as client approved.
Returned to client approved workdays
The number of workdays between when an assignment is returned and when it is marked as client approved.
Returned to QA approved days
The number of days between when an assignment is returned and when it is marked as QA approved.
Returned to QA approved workdays
The number of workdays between when an assignment is returned and when it is marked as QA approved.
Sales Tax Amount
The amount of sales tax.
Sales Tax depreciation amount
The amount of sales tax depreciation in an estimate.
Second gross estimate amount
The second gross estimate amount recorded for the current version of the estimate.
Sketch Floor Square Feet Net
This column shows the Floor Area amount listed in Xactimate's Report Rough Draft.
Sketch Floor Square Feet Gross
This column shows the Total Area amount listed in Xactimate's Report Rough Draft.
Sketch Roof Hip Linear Feet
This column shows the Total Hip Length amount listed in Xactimate's Report Rough Draft.
Sketch Roof Perimeter Linear Feet
This column shows the Total Perimeter Length amount listed in Xactimate's Report Rough Draft.
Sketch Roof Ridge Linear Feet
This column shows the Total Ridge Length amount listed in Xactimate's Report Rough Draft.
Sketch Roof Square Feet
This column shows the Surface Area amount listed in Xactimate's Report Rough Draft.
Sketch Roof Squares
This column shows the Number of Squares amount listed in Xactimate's Report Rough Draft.
Structural deductible amount
The deductible amount from line items with the Structural coverage type.
Structural estimate amount
The estimate amount from line items with the Structural coverage type.
Structural policy limit amount
The policy limit amount from line items with the Structural coverage type.
Third gross estimate amount
The third gross estimate amount recorded for the current version of the estimate.
Trade Count
This column shows the number of trades included in the estimate.
Unlabeled Photos Count
This column shows the number of unlabeled photos.
Walls and Ceiling Square Feet
This column shows the SF Walls and Ceiling amount listed in Xactimate's Report Rough Draft.
Walls Square Feet
This column shows the SF Walls amount listed in Xactimate's Report Rough Draft.
Weather alert count
The number of weather alerts.
Wind report count
The number of wind reports.
Xactimate mobile count
This column shows the number of claims that used Xactimate mobile.
XactRebuild Estimate Initial RCV
This displays the initial XactRebuild estimate amount.
XactRebuild Mitigation Project RCV
This displays the original mitigation project’s estimate amount.
XactRebuild Pre-merge Rebuild RCV
This displays the final XactRebuild estimate amount before merging.